Wednesday, July 6, 2011

hi !!!!! :) IT'S BEEN MONTHS SINCE I POSTED I KNOW . Ok , im very bored now .
that's why im posting (?) not a blog entry but a quiz lol . BOREDOM KILLS .
If your girlfriend/boyfriend broke up with you tonight, what would you do?
I dont have a boyf . Lul

Could you go on the rest of your life without doing any drugs ?
Why not!

What are you wearing?
Shorts+shirt .

Was last night enjoyable for you?

Do you change your phone background a lot?

What have you done all day?
S T U D Y .

Ever given a really long apology ?
Yepppppp O:

Has anyone ever told you they don't wanna lose you?
Yesssssssssssie .

What's the last thing that made you smile ?

If someone is interested in you right now, would you like them to tell you?

How many hours of sleep did you get last night ?

Who did you last yell at and why ?
Meilian . i forgot the reason :p

Can you go in public looking like you do?
What talking you ?

Ever been kissed in the rain ?

Is anyone jealous of you?
Don't think so.

Will this coming up weekend be a good one?
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMMA SO EGGCITED XD

Do you know anyone that smokes weed?

Do you want to be single or be with someone ?
Well , it all depends . :D

Has the last person you texted been mad at you before ?

What song are you listening to right now ?
Forget you .

Do you know what the last person you kissed is doing right now ?
Idk hahahahaha.

Could you go on a day without eating?

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name start with L or A ?

Why did you kissed the last person you kiss ?
it's been sucha long time that i don't rmb o:

What was for dinner last night?
Pasta .

Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?

Are you currently wanting any kind of piercings/tattoos ?

Have you ever kissed underneath the stars ?

What's your last scar from?
idk leh!!

Were you happy when you woke up today ?

Have you talked to a complete jerk today ?

Want someone back in your life?
Don't think so.

What are you excited for?

What were you doing yesterday ?

Honestly, who was the last person to say they love you?
. . . . someone.

What's the last thing you put into your mouth?

Is it easy to make you cry?
Not rly.

Do you find it hard to trust others?
Depends on who is it.

How fast does your mood change?
VERY SLOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you tell people you're ok when you're rly not?

Have you ever worn the opposite's sex clothing?
Yesssss ( dont think dirty dudes -_- )

When is your next road trip ?

Do you have someone of the opposite gender you can tell everything to ?
Yezzzz (:

Is your hair curly or straight ?
Somehow straight ~

What are you doing tomorrow ?
School > Hospital ( my aunt's new-born babyyyyy )

Name something you dislike about the day you're having ?
Not eggcitinggg. Forgot to bring wallet to schl!! DAMN :(

Have you ever been betrayed by someone you trust ?
Kinda ~

How late did you stay up last night and why ?
Homework , 2AM .

Would you rather go to Greece or Hawaii ?

What is wrong with you right now ?

Who is the last person that made you laugh ?

What did you do this afternoon ?
Outside ~

What are you doing tonight ?
Sleeeeeeep .

Who was the last person to look at you like you were crazy ?

Is there a person of the opposite gender who means a lot to you ?

Who was the last person you cried infront of ?
Baofei .

Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize ?
Yez .

Do you think you're a good person?
OFCOURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Have you held hands with anybody today?
Yezzz. :)

Have you had more than 3 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time ?

Do you have any plans for the weekend ?

For the rest of the week ?
Yez .

Are you in a good mood right now ?
Ok-ok .

Are you on medication for anything ?

If you are upset , who's the first girl you'll go to ?

Have you ever liked someone older than you ?
Yez -______________- .

Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
It depends .

Do you think someone currently likes you?
Don't think so.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months ?
Maybe !

Do you sleep with your door closed or open?
Closed :)

Do you like hugs ?
Who doesn't like? :D

Will your next kiss be a mistake?

Do you regret kissing the last person you kissed?
Maybe no ~

Are you tired ?
Not AT ALL .

Pickles ; love 'em or hate 'em ?

Are you waiting for something ?
Yes .

Who was the last person you took a nap with ?

Do you ignore people when you're mad ?
Nope ! ^^

Do you get distracted easily?

Is it easier to forgive or forget ?

Can you handle the truth ?


Ok , school today was BLAH . I forgot to bring my wallet z !
History was (Y) as usual ! talked bout' camp stuffffs ohyeah ~
Science was alrighttttttt . nothing eggciting happen .
MothaTongue did filings -_- . bored until cannot bored .
so i decided to play scissors paper stone with mj , I WON. HE STILL OWE ME $ OK .
After mt , ce/rr . Talked about ASG. Got the tag!!!!!! Y A Y . :D

Thursday, April 14, 2011

the picture says it all . :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

On 19/3 , went to the BusWalkMrt Challenge . Lololol in short = BMW .
teamed with sinyi , kahlin , junxian & mervyn o: .
our 1st stop is @ sembawang park . so we ran from school to mrt . reached semb , waited for bus . alighted bus , ran all the way to the beulieu house to do mission -_- . can die . wtf . i saw jason fml. Then needa answer questions . Hohohoho . i answered the bonus question . NOT BAD ;)
ran back to bus stop , which is like sooo far away . waited for 20min , WASTE OUR TIME . -'- .
then 2nd stop , a industrial park which has two temple . wtf !?!?! so we thought it was @ woodlands , so we headed to woodlands , and realised we went wrong place . damn . then went all the way back to yishun . and we had to walk a damn long way . and i don't know why are there soooooooooooo many indians , prolly a festival or smth . i was literally holding my breathe when i was pass it . I CAN PUKE . my whole face turned pale white according to jun xian >_> .
reached the temple , did mission . rushed back to woodlands . saw many groups at mrt . and it was raining . no time left , so we had to run in the rain . T_T . poor us . heng ah , reach on time . didn't get disqualified . lololol . the prizes were damn attractive . 1st prize - $600 bucks walkman. (i think so) 5th prize- iPod nano/shuffle (idk) . hais :( that's bout it.
just done all my holiday homework !!! weehooohuuu ~~~
went to library ystd w/ some people . ( read my tweet & find out :b )
we're so noisy but i like it . hehehe .
k , 12.30 now . shall go pack my bag! CCA TMR. SADLIFE.

Friday, March 18, 2011

i'm still depressed with the fact that laurene went to seat the galactica . D: D: D: D: . haisssssssssss.
k , homeworks not done . shit @_@ . needa chiong today . sat & sunday going out . hmmmmmms .
nothing to update alreadyyyyyyy . hehehehe . K , bye .

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hey bitches . blogging again cause i'm bored . Had practically nothing to do cept homeworks . Tons of it .
Went to the library just naw and did some homework . not bad ah .
went to cwp to eat , then homed . :)

i heard you're a player. so let's play a game . let's sweet talk . let's play fight . let's talk 24/7 . let's tell each other good morning & good night everyday . let's take walks together . let's give each other names . let's hang out with each others' friends . let's go on dates . let's talk on the phone all night long . let's hold each other . let's hug and kiss . And whoevers fall in love first ? LOSES .
^ this is random . :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

hellllllllllllllllllllabitches! so bored right naw . Din update cause there hasn't been anything to update.
owell , at least i'm updating now isn't it :P saw on twitter bout the earthquakes & tsunamis @ japan .
apparently the only thing i hate bout it was .... tokyo disneyland got flooded!! :(
can you imagine those floating duffies ????? damn.
& aussie , taipei and a lot more countries were affected. shock much.
just a few hours ago, i was telling mom that justinbieber should really stand out now and sing Pray . Hmms . :)
All in short , yesterday went to meet sinyi at cwp . then off to her house . and to my cuzzie house.
bb's playbook coming out!!!!!!!!! apple suck on it!!!
on a random note , i'm determined to go on a holiday this year. and that doesn't include going to malaysia!!!
cause that isn't new to me at all!! :# something new ... STATES .
i know the possibility of me going to states is like one out of a million.
but hey, nothing is impossible!!! Lololol. :) If not , perth will be just fine :)
cause sinyi wanna visit perth too!! :) yay ! i like this . :)
should stop all my nonsensical stuffs and sleep .