Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ok hi ............. ;)
i wanted to do the 10 day challenge i found on tumblr . LOL .
Dont wanna do the 30days challenge becuz i wont have the patience to complete it all !!!
so i shall so a shorter version one . x)
Actually it's becuz i have nth to blog about !!

Day 1 - your most interesting adventure with your boyf/girlf .
K , so uhm lemme think .
tuition camp ..... i suppose x) . we're suppose to pair up groups of 3 la ..
so i paired up with - someone whom you dontneed to knw - & sophia .
it was a 4d 3n camp . soo , during the 1st night , we had our 1st mission . LMAO .
tcher told us that it is a buddy studygroup workshop ( damn obv it's a lie ) .
who would want to fucking wake up to study in midnight !???
who would want to study in a place with no lights at all huh ???
But during that time i didnt think so much bout it ... cus it's midnight and i gt woke up frm sleep,
so i was feeling damn pissed off.
somemore the place is like .... so old ...... give ppl the creeps .
AND HEY. we need to climb over the fence inorder to get to that place .wtf??
so my group was the 3rd group to go in . the 1st & 2nd group is acting like damn weird when they come out loh , talk to them , dw answer me . then their hair is like all mess up . LMAO .
hellyeahbaby , finally my group to go in . the first step we entered that blardy place , a voice came out . then it instructed us to go get a torchlight located somewhere @ the 1st floor .
till we found the torchlight , i realized it's a hauntedhouse????? zzz . pitch dark in thr , -.- .
sophia suggested to run out yet we cant lol . needa complete those maths qns before going out .
and we're randomly shining our torchlight and will like .. suddenly see a girl's face . blardy .
5five storey somemore ....... ohemgee . Ok , basically is liddat la ..
bye . doing day 2 prolly tmr ;) ~